"Nothing like a little pressure:" Fox Business Anchor Neil Cavuto speaks with FOX6 ahead of debate
Nothing like a little pressure: Fox Business Anchor Neil Cavuto speaks with FOX6 ahead of debate
Nothing like a little pressure: Fox Business Anchor Neil Cavuto speaks with FOX6 ahead of debate
MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee Theatre will play host to the fourth Republican presidential debate. The debate will be aired on Fox Business Network, and the moderators will be Fox Business Network's Maria Bartiromo, Wall Street Journal Editor-in-Chief Gerard Baker and Fox Business Anchor Neil Cavuto.

Neil Cavuto
Cavuto says if the panel does its job on Tuesday, viewers will walk away from the debate with a greater understanding of where each candidate stands on the economy.
Of course, specific questions that will be asked of the candidates are being kept under wraps, but we're told the group has spent months preparing.
With previous debates breaking rating records for their respective host channels, there's little doubt there's pressure for Fox Business Newtork on Tuesday night.
"Nothing like a little pressure," Cavuto said.
RAW VIDEO: Interview with Fox Business Network Anchor Neil Cavuto
RAW VIDEO: Interview with Fox Business Network Anchor Neil Cavuto
Cavuto has a goal to keep the candidates on topic, while also allowing for equal time among them.
"They`re very good at pivoting. We`ll give you 90 seconds to answer questions. If you mention someone else and someone else wants to follow up, they have 60 seconds. That`s still a limited, truncated time -- but it`s enough time to avoid interruptions, even though we have a bell and I won`t be yelling 'shut up already,'" Cavuto said.

GOP Milwaukee Debate
Cavuto says the panel of moderators won't be swayed by protests that are planned outside the Milwaukee Theatre. One will be calling for an increase to the federal minimum wage.
"We`re trying not to be influenced by protests or gatherings, or one cause over another cause. If I had a dime for every time someone had suggested a question or issue -- and I`ve heard from everybody," Cavuto said.
There's also pressure on Cavuto to help boost the eight-year-old network past rival CNBC in the ratings.

Milwaukee Theatre
The last debate aired on CNBC, and following that debate, the network received criticism from candidates and some viewers for lackluster questions.
"What we have to do as moderators is make sure we`re asking the adult questions without any agenda, but without doing so snidely. I think you can get more places asking tough or firm," Caputo said.
Because this debate is airing on the Fox Business Channel, viewers should expect lots of questions about the economy -- but we're told viewers can also expect a major tweak to the format in general.

GOP Milwaukee debate

GOP Milwaukee debate undercard candidates
RAW VIDEO: Interview with Fox Business Reporter Sandra Smith
RAW VIDEO: Interview with Fox Business Reporter Sandra Smith
CLICK HERE for complete GOP Milwaukee debate coverage via FOX6Now.com.