Hidden camera in teen's room, Oak Creek man gets probation

Kevin Underwood

An Oak Creek man accused of hiding a camera in a vent to film a teen girl without her knowledge was sentenced to probation on Wednesday, May 29.

Court records show 49-year-old Kevin Underwood reached a plea deal with prosecutors in the case. He pleaded guilty to one count of capturing an intimate representation without consent, and three other felony charges were dismissed.

Underwood was sentenced to three years of probation, five months of which are to be served in the Milwaukee County Community Reintegration Center.

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Case details

According to a criminal complaint, a person reported to police "concern about a camera being installed" in the girl's room. The teen found the camera and reported it to her mother. The camera was turned over to police and "appeared to have been destroyed," the complaint said.

When an officer spoke with Underwood, the complaint states he denied putting the camera in the vent. He told police there was recently work done on the air filters and vents, but a review found his statement was false. Underwood also told police he had never purchased a camera similar to the one found, but a review of his Amazon account showed he bought eight "spy or hidden cameras" between October 2018 and December 2022 – including what appeared to be the camera found in the teen's vent. 

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Police also reviewed Underwood's phone. The complaint states an application had been deleted that was "the accompanying application to the spy camera purchase to allow livestreaming to the phone."

When Underwood was arrested, a search found a "spy camera in his pocket that was disguised to look like a USB charger like one would use for a cellphone charger," the complaint said. Prosecutors also said a micro SD card was in the spy camera, and it "appeared to have been used in different cameras beginning in November 2022." At one point, video showed Underwood's face and him holding the drill used to uninstall and reinstall the grate of the vent.