Oak Creek pancake breakfast started in 2009 ends with Class of 2022 | FOX6 Milwaukee

Oak Creek pancake breakfast started in 2009 ends with Class of 2022

An Oak Creek neighborhood celebrated the end of the school year with a big pancake breakfast Thursday, June 9, a tradition that continued one last time.

Outside an Oak Creek home, a sweet last day of school tradition was served up Thursday morning.

"These pancakes are not like any other pancakes you’ll have anywhere else," said Zack Polacek. 

"Pancakes, syrup, butter, sausages galore," said Dara LaMere.

Dara LaMere and her family started this pancake breakfast in 2009.

"With just three to four families in the neighborhood," said Dara LaMere. "Each year, it just progressively got bigger and bigger."

Around 150 people showed up for the last pancake breakfast. The work began before the sun came up.

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"I was up at probably 4:45-5 making pancakes, making the batter, setting up tables," said Avery LaMere. 

It was morning of memories.

"I’ve been here since the beginning," said Polacek. "It feels good to be here in the end, but it feels sad to be here in the end."

Polacek and Avery LaMere are off to college. With that, the pancake breakfast is coming to an end.

"It hit me this morning how this is the last one," said Dara LaMere. "Totally in denial. I’m in denial it’s the last pancakes, in denial my son is graduating."

Oak Creek students, parents and teachers filled their stomachs and hearts before the school day one last time.

The LaMere family said they will miss the pancake event, but they are looking forward to sleeping in next year.

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