Oconomowoc's 'Lake Country Dog' 'destroyed' by driver fleeing police

Lake Country Dog in Oconomowoc was left with a gaping hole after a driver fleeing police plowed through the business on Friday night, Sept. 1.

"It’s just my passion," said Samantha Klink. "I just love taking really good care of animals."

Samantha Klink and her husband, John, have poured themselves into their work. They've owned their dream business for the last four years.

"I love everything that we’ve created here," said Samantha Klink.

John and Samantha Klink

Late Friday night, they were faced with a nightmare.

"It hurts," said Samantha Klink. "We poured our life and soul in, and for it to just, be gone so suddenly is, it takes some adjusting."

Lake Country Dog was in the path of the fleeing driver, 17. Police said they tried pulling him over, but he sped off.

"He was coming down Wisconsin, came up through the grass, straight down," said Samantha Klink.

Lake Country Dog

He plowed through one end of the building, leaving a path of destruction before coming out on the other side. Police said he was arrested after running from the scene.

"The whole area was just destroyed," said John Klink. "The ceiling had collapsed, walls, glass. You had to crawl overnight kennels and walls to get into it."

The doggie day care and boarding facility was left in shambles. Samantha Klink ran inside to the one dog staying overnight. Luckily, she wasn't hurt.

Lake Country Dog

"There was no stopping me," said Samantha Klink. "When I entered the building, there was metal and glass and I had to move walls out of the way to get to her."

Days later, the Klinks said they're missing their customers, devastated by the destruction but confident their dream will not be destroyed.

Lake Country Dog

"It’s personal," said Samantha Klink. "They trust us, and we trusted them, and we love their animals, and I’m just excited to get back to it."

The Klinks have set up a GoFundMe.com account as they work to repair the damage.