Officials exploring bringing light industry to Northridge Mall site | FOX6 Milwaukee

Officials exploring bringing light industry to Northridge Mall site

BROWN DEER -- Northridge Mall has been vacant for the past nine years, but now may have a new start.

The City of Milwaukee and Northridge Mall's owner are exploring the idea of bringing light industry to the site.

Milwaukee Alderman Robert Puente, whose district includes the property, says he is encouraging the mall's owner to demolish the mall and clear space for development.

Puente says he already knows of a manufacturer interested in moving its business there. He declined to comment on the name of the company, but says it's based outside Milwaukee and would consider the site if it was put to industrial use.

Since Northridge Mall closed, parcels have been sold off to make way for a Pick 'N Save and Menards in a development known as Granville Station.

Many businesses in the area, such as Stein's Gardens & Gifts and Best Buy have closed in recent years.

CLICK HERE for more on this story via the Milwaukee Business Journal's website.

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