Officials reveal 'security footprint' for 2020 DNC: 'Every resident will have access to their home'

MILWAUKEE -- Mayor Tom Barrett along with the Milwaukee Police Department on Friday, Jan. 17 held a news conference to provide a security "footprint" for the 2020 Democratic National Convention.  To get reimbursed for the DNC's public safety costs, the city has prepared its $50 million grant application to the U.S. Department of Justice.

Mayor Tom Barrett

"This is not the entire unveiling of the security plan, this is the first step. This is to announce the security footprint, following this there will be more refinements as we get closer to the convention," said Mayor Tom Barrett. "There will be changes."

Mayor Tom Barrett said the Secret Service and Milwaukee police have spent the past six months working collaboratively to ensure a very safe convention.

"I am pleased to say no businesses have been asked to close. We want to make sure people are aware of the security footprint and know that they will be able to go about their normal day-to-day activities," Barrett said. "My biggest priorities are to make sure the events are safe for everyone and that the convention is a success. We are a city -- and that means we will be in full operation at the same time as the convention. So I'm advocating to make sure any security measure is reasonable for the people who live and work here."

Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales said the security zone boundaries will be as follows:

    "We want to ensure our plan provides maximum security to the convention and minimum impact on residents of the City of Milwaukee," said Special Agent Robert Pacsi, DNC Security Coordinator.

    Robert Pacsi, DNC Security Coordinator

    Chief Alfonso Morales

    "Within the security footprint, no business is going to be asked to close. Every resident will have access to their home -- and the rest of the city will receive the same level of service that they would receive on any given day," said Chief Morales.

    The Democratic National Convention and more than 1,000-related events will bring an estimated 50,000 people to Milwaukee, bringing added emphasis to the importance of Wisconsin in the presidential race.

    "We remain very, very excited as a community. This is the first time in the history of the City of Milwaukee, this is the first time in the history of the state of Wisconsin where we are hosting a major political party convention. That means we are in unprecedented territory -- there are a lot of new things that are occurring," said Mayor Tom Barrett.

    If you have questions about security plans, you are welcome to email the Milwaukee Police Department at In the meantime, visit for more information.

    CLICK HERE to read a letter to Milwaukee residents and business owners within the "security footprint"

    Dnc 2020Organization Milwaukee Police-departmentPeople Tom Barrett