One week before Election Day, campaigns focused on Sandy

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Campaigns focus on Sandy relief Tuesday

Campaigns focus on Sandy relief Tuesday

GREEN BAY -- One day after deadly superstorm Sandy made landfall on the east coast, causing widespread damage, politics was put on hold exactly one week from Election Day, as the presidential campaigns shifted the focus from the election to disaster relief.

One week before a presidential election, the wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney would typically appear in a critical battleground state like Wisconsin in the hopes of collecting votes. Instead, Ann Romney made an appearance in Green Bay Tuesday to collect supplies for the millions of Americans affected by Sandy.

"This is a time for America to unite, and it's wonderful.  Whenever we have a crisis in this country, what do we all do? We put aside party. We come together, put our arms together and we solve the problems. That's what's so great about America," Ann Romney said.

Ann Romney's stop in Green Bay Tuesday was short on political rhetoric, and instead was an appeal for help.

"Our hearts and prayers go to those being affected by this, and our gratitude goes to the saying that we as Americans stand firm together when we're in crisis," Ann Romney said.

Ann Romney's message struck a chord with Jan Weycker.

"I brought food, and I brought canned goods. We care about others and we need to pray for our nation," Weycker said.

Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan also made a stop in Wisconsin Tuesday. Ryan stopped in La Crosse and also made an effort to collect donations for storm relief.

"This is a time for us to care -- for all Americans to reach out and help others.  It's a time to help others, to give gratitude for our blessings, and concerns for people on the east coast who are being washed out," Ann Romney said.

President Barack Obama remained focused Tuesday on coordinating the emergency response and relief effort on the east coast. President Obama met with American Red Cross volunteers in Washington, D.C. Tuesday.

"This storm is not yet over. It's still moving north, and there are still risks of flooding and high winds," President Obama said.

Mitt Romney was in Ohio, helping to collect items for storm relief.

Prior to the storm, President Obama was scheduled to campaign in Green Bay, but he and Mitt Romney cancelled campaign stops for Monday and Tuesday -- saying they're putting politics aside to focus on those in the path of the storm.

Vice President Joe Biden said the campaign will likely come back into focus Wednesday.

"Assuming things continue as they are, we're going to resume our schedule as scheduled (Wednesday)," Biden said.

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