Operation Trick or Treat: Officers to conduct "knock and talks" at homes of sex offenders

MILWAUKEE CO. (WITI) -- They're teaming up for Operation Trick or Treat -- an effort to ensure the safety of children as they go door-to-door through neighborhoods collecting Halloween treats.

On Sunday, October 26th, from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., law enforcement teams (including the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office Apprehension Unit and Criminal Investigative Unit, Wisconsin Department of Corrections (DOC) Probation and Parole, US Marshal’s Service and police departments in Milwaukee, West Allis, and West Milwaukee) will conduct “Knock and Talks” at residences of known sex offenders and serve warrants on sex offenders who have not registered with the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.

During the “Knock and Talks,” officers will enforce and confirm that sexual predators are in compliance with the Halloween guidelines set forth by the DOC.  The Halloween rules for sex offenders are as follows:

    Last year, deputies knocked on 200 doors of registered sex offenders, and 19 sex offenders were arrested for violation of their probation and parole conditions.  In addition, two were found and arrested on felony warrants from the Top Ten list, and one man on the list turned himself in.

    Milwaukee County Sheriff’s detectives have already begun to locate and arrest sex offenders with arrest warrants and for failure to register with the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry.