Watch: Zoo lions find hidden camera, hilarity ensues

 A pride of lions at the Oregon Zoo got hold of a hidden camera in their habitat and unknowingly gave an "insider’s look" at a lion’s mouth.

"With the help of care staff, we hid a camera in the lion habitat last week. It didn't stay hidden for long!" zoo staff wrote on social media.

Zoo workers thought they’d get an "insider’s look" at the lions in their habitat, but instead, they got an "insider’s look" into a lion’s mouth.

Lion takes selfie at Oregon Zoo (Oregon Zoo via Storyful)

"These behaviors are things that our caregivers see every day, but never from quite this perspective," Kelly Gomez, curator of the Oregon Zoo’s Africa area, said in a statement.  

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Oregon Zoo is part of the Species Survival Plan for African lions, a cooperative program aimed at supporting socially stable groups and maintaining a sustainable, genetically diverse lion population.

"As recently as 25 years ago, lions were common throughout much of East Africa," Gomez said. "But populations have been dwindling, and fewer than 25,000 wild lions are now thought to remain."