Oshkosh sex offender arrested, attempted to meet 13-year-old girl

Kevin Mueller, 60, of Oshkosh, has been charged following his May 16 arrest by local and federal authorities. Mueller faces charges of using a computer to attempt to persuade, induce, or entice a minor to engage in unlawful sexual activity.

According to the complaint and supporting affidavit, Mueller began exchanging instant messages in early May with an individual whom he believed to be the parent of a 13-year-old girl living in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Mueller expressed repeated interest in engaging in sexual activity with the 13-year-old. Mueller also sent pornographic images of himself which he wanted to be shared with the child.

In actuality, Mueller was communicating with an undercover law enforcement agent working as a part of Operation Kick Boxer. Mueller was arrested upon his arrival at the prearranged meeting spot in Winnebago County. Mueller is required to register as a sexual offender based on a 1989 First Degree Sexual Assault conviction in Milwaukee County. 

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He faces a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years and up to a lifetime of imprisonment if convicted of the enticement charge. His status as a sexual offender registrant requires an additional mandatory sentence of ten years imprisonment which must be served consecutive to the enticement charge.