Outline of person who laid in rainy street prompts PSA from police: 'Not a safe place for a nap!'

BERLIN, Wis. -- A public service announcement from the Berlin Police Department is drawing some attention online.

Shared on the Berlin, WI Police Department Facebook page, is a photo of what appears to be the outline of a person's body who was laying in the middle of the road.

"The Berlin Police Department would like to make it clear that the Middle of Broadway is not a safe place for a nap (nor a place to pass out, highly intoxicated, in the rain!)," the caption says in part.

Berlin police advise this is not safe and, "If we could all kindly refrain from near death experiences similar to this, that would certainly be a huge help!"

It's unclear who created the mysterious outline in the road but it's definitely not a good idea to try to create your own.