Over 100 pages of documents outline Sikh Temple shooting & investigation

OAK CREEK (WITI) -- FOX6 News has obtained new documents related to the Sikh Temple shooting investigation. More than 100 pages outline what happened on August 5th, 2012 and provide a closer look at the shooter.

The documents shed new light on what happened inside the Sikh Temple. Those who were there that day say the documents help them to heal.

August 5th, 2012 is a day forever imprinted on the minds of those who were there.

"It's always in the back of your mind. It's always constantly there," Oak Creek Mayor Steve Scaffidi said.

A shooter walked into the Sikh Temple and opened fire -- killing six before turning the gun on himself.

Scaffidi watched the incident unfold in his city.

"There's things we'll never find out," Scaffidi said.

A motive remains unknown, but new documents released by the FBI provide a better picture of what happened that day -- and in the days to follow.

"I think it just says we've got a lot more work to do," Scaffidi said.

"They're just kind of explaining the situation in black and white terms, which is good for us," Amardeep Kaleka said.

Kaleka's father was killed in the shooting.

"Just knowing what happened helps take away some of the mystery and that helps you deal with it," Kaleka said.

The documents show the timeline of events -- including when the shots were first heard, and where people hid.

They also paint a clearer picture of the shooter.

The FBI interviewed those who knew him.

"He really blamed his economic problems on the people who were running small businesses in the area which were predominately Punjabi and Arab," Kaleka said.

While most of what is written in the more than 100 pages was already known, the release of the documents help the Sikh community to move forward with more understanding.

"I don't think southeastern Wisconsin will ever completely heal. There will be a scar for a long time, but I think we can get stronger in other ways," Kaleka said.

Mayor Scaffidi and Kaleka both say the story now becomes how the community has grown since the shooting -- and the positives that have come out of this tragedy.

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