OWI Task Force officials out in force on Super Bowl Sunday
MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The region's OWI Task Force is out in force Sunday night, following the Super Bowl.
Police say the night of the big game is also a night for big-time binge drinking.
Multiple law enforcement agencies from Milwaukee to Waukesha counties say they'll have every available squad car on patrol for drunk drivers Sunday night, February 2nd -- looking for people leaving Super Bowl parties.
According to the CDC, Wisconsin holds the dubious distinction of having the nation's highest binge drinking rate.
"With our culture, there is a lot of drinking here. We are one of the smallest in population, but we do have the worst problem with OWI per population," Wisconsin State Trooper Kristian Perales said.
25 agencies are out patrolling the region's roads as part of what authorities are calling Super Bowl Sunday's "large scale deployment."