Fat Tuesday at Grebe’s
Stephanie Quirk is celebrating Fat Tuesday in West Allis where’s Grebe’s is making more than 160,000 paczki for the holiday.
Since 1937, Grebe’s Bakery has been known to tempt their guests' taste buds with delicious baked goods, and today they’re doing it with Paczki. Stephanie Quirk is celebrating Fat Tuesday in West Allis where Grebe’s is making more than 160,000 Paczki for the holiday.
Cruller Crossing Sign
Stephanie Quirk is in West Allis seeing why Grebe's cruller is one of the most popular baked goods in town.
10 varieties available
Stephanie Quirk is in their test kitchen seeing what’s so special about these filled and fried donuts.
Fat Tuesday and beyond
Stephanie Quirk is checking out their store which is just one location where you can get their tasty baked goods.
Grebe’s Bakery
Stephanie Quirk is celebrating Fat Tuesday in West Allis where Grebe’s is setting records with the amount of paczki they’re making today.
Dipping these tasty, sweet treats
Stephanie Quirk is in West Allis in the kitchen where they’re busy hand dipping these tasty, sweet treats.