Phoenix toddler given 3 Narcan doses after ingesting fentanyl; parents arrested | FOX6 Milwaukee

Phoenix toddler given 3 Narcan doses after ingesting fentanyl; parents arrested

The parents of a 1-year-old boy have been arrested in Phoenix after their child reportedly overdosed after ingesting fentanyl, court documents say.

Police booked 37-year-old Marvin Gray and 23-year-old Anna Chavez into jail on child abuse charges.

According to court paperwork, first responders were called because the little boy was not breathing and unresponsive.

He reportedly regained consciousness after firefighters gave him two doses of Narcan, and he was rushed to the hospital where he was given a third dose of Narcan.

A urine test at the hospital showed that the boy had ingested fentanyl, court documents said.

Police say they searched the family's apartment and found eight pills marked "M30" and $10,000 in cash. 

According to court records, Chavez denied knowing how her child was exposed to fentanyl.

"You know, a small pinch of a powder, that would be enough for a child," said Dr. Frank Lovecchio. "A one-year-old could lick that, and get into their mouth."

Arizona’s two poison control centers are seeing an increase in poisonings related to fentanyl from illegal M30 pills. Toxicology experts say kids don’t have to touch the actual pill: they can be exposed to fentanyl by touching utensils or foil used to handle the pill.

"That has enough residue, remnants of a pill to cause a child to be sick," said Dr. Lovecchio.

Bond for Chavez was set at $2,500, according to court documents. A preliminary hearing for Chavez is scheduled for April 21. Gray, meanwhile, was on felony release – awaiting trial on charges of drug possession and sales.

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