Pictures: Wisconsin Urban and Search Rescue Task Force shows its efforts in wake of Cambria explosion

CAMBRIA, Wis. -- Wisconsin Urban Search & Rescue Task Force 1 has posted to Facebook pictures of the efforts the group was involved in at the Didion Milling plant in Cambria.

Three people died and 11 others were hurt in an explosion at the Didion plant late on Wednesday, May 31st. The last of the three victims killed in the incident was recovered on Sunday morning, June 4th.


According to the Wisconsin Urban Search and Rescue website, the group is a...

A fund has been set up at the National Exchange Bank in Cambria to donate to the families. Funds can be mailed or dropped off at:

Old Mill Foundation Didion Benefit Fund
National Exchange Bank
118 West Edgewater Street
P.O. Box 338
Cambria, WI 53923