'Pitching in to help:' WCTC donates $100K worth of PPE to agencies dealing with COVID-19
PEWAUKEE -- Waukesha County Technical College officials on Thursday, March 26 announced the donation of thousands of personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical supply items to local and state agencies to protect health care workers during the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
The College’s School of Protective and Human Services, which includes fire, paramedic and EMS programs, coordinated with the Waukesha County Fire Chiefs Association to provide 14 cases of medical gloves -- thousands of pairs in varying sizes, and 13 canisters of disinfecting and sanitizing wipes.
Additionally, the School of Health responded to a request by the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) for the urgent and growing need for supplies. The school -- which offers nursing, dental and allied health programs in phlebotomy, surgical technology, medical assisting and more -- inventoried its supplies and is donating a substantial number of items to keep front-line health care workers safe.
Donations include 956 face masks, 3,527 exam gloves, 97 gowns, 40 cover gowns, 10 mask filters, 90 surgical masks and 100 face masks with shields.
“WCTC is pitching in to help the Wisconsin Department of Administration by donating personal protective equipment (PPE), which is typically used in our lab courses that are now being delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak,” said Michele Nelson, dean of WCTC’s School of Health in a press release. “Waukesha County Technical College is grateful for the work of our local healthcare professionals, and we are happy to be able to donate these supplies to our community during this challenging time.”
In total, WCTC is donating nearly $100,000 worth of medical supplies to the DOA and the fire chiefs association.