'Planning ahead': Kenosha readies for winter storm | FOX6 Milwaukee

'Planning ahead': Kenosha readies for winter storm

A familiar flurry at Prairie Side Ace Hardware on Monday, Jan. 25 signaled snow was headed to Kenosha.

Owner Gary Dickes described two types of customers.

"You’ve got the ones who are planning ahead, getting ready, and they seem to be a cheerful crowd," Dickes said. "And then tomorrow morning we’re going to see everyone who wakes up and gets surprised." 

Gary Dickes

But no surprises here. After 10 years, Dickes knows how much to stock, and when.

"I also pay a lot of attention to the extended forecast -- that 10 days out kind of forecast," Dickes said.

As he loaded a truck for late-night snowblower deliveries, those inside snagged shovels, scrapers and salt.

"Figured there’s about a quarter of a bucket and I’m out so I might as well stop by and pick up a bucket," Timothy Peters said. 

Some customers told FOX6 News they'd wait until Tuesday morning to tackle the accumulation. 

"I live on a cul-de-sac, so I have a pretty small driveway," Rich Ricciardi said. "Fifteen minutes with a snowblower and it’s normally all done."

For some, the impending snowstorm is something we must deal with...

"I’m wishing it would just go away," Peters said. "I’d prefer to be on my Harley all year-round." 

For others, the storm is a welcome force of nature.

"I live in Wisconsin for a reason, I left San Diego, and I love the snow, what can I say," Noel Flaningam said.

Noel Flaningam

Since visibility is expected to be low -- officials with the Department of Public Works in Kenosha are asking people to avoid the roads. 

Still, Dickes tells FOX6, he expects a rush beginning Tuesday morning and lasting until about noon. 
