Police: 11 arrested following large fight at Pulaski High School | FOX6 Milwaukee

Police: 11 arrested following large fight at Pulaski High School

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee police say 11 were arrested Thursday morning, September 20th following a large fight at Pulaski High School. The brawl broke out just as school was about to start, and a Milwaukee police school resource officer had to call for backup.

Nine of those arrested were cited for fighting and disorderly conduct. Two have been referred to the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office for possible charges.

No one suffered any injuries that required medical attention.

Police say additional squads will be monitoring dismissal at the school through the end of the week.

Those who live near the school told FOX6 News they were disturbed to hear of the violence. Diamond Yancy said she's keeping a close eye on her sibling, whom she drops off and picks up every day.

"I think it`s horrible because I want the best for him. I don`t want him to fall into that category. That`s why I show him there`s more out here. Don`t fall into what other kids are doing because he can easily get influenced. I don`t wan that to happen because the kids obviously don`t care about other people`s education," Yancy said.

Neighbor Don Pawlak said he has seen Pulaski's principal trying to curb the bad behavior.

"I see the principal is out here. He is from Madison and he's been in the neighborhood walking around and on his megaphone trying to get kids in the school," Pawlak said.

This isn't the first time police have been forced to respond to kids throwing punches at Milwaukee schools. In January, there was a scuffle at Washington High School and 12 were ticketed. The very next day, a fight broke out at Madison High School and police had to use a taser on one individual.

Neighbors say they hope Thursday's arrests will make a difference.

"I`m hoping it send a message that it`s not going to be tolerated. There are people watching and there`s cameras in the area and hopefully things will get better," Pawlak said.

School officials say the students involved will face school disciplinary action.