Police banned from Denny’s for being armed | FOX6 Milwaukee

Police banned from Denny’s for being armed

BELLEVILLE, IL (KTVI) – The chief of police in Belleville, Illinois has banned his officers from eating at the local Denny’s while on duty, after a manager told a group of officer’s they could not eat at the restaurant if they were armed.

Belleville Police Captain Don sax said, “It’s absolutely a slap in the face I totally agree it’s completely disrespectful. How can anyone think to tell a police officer you can’t be in here with your gun its absurd to me.”

The five on-duty detectives were out of uniform and in the middle of their meal at Denny’s when a customer spotted one of the officers carrying a gun and alerted management.

The manager told the detective that guns are not allowed in the restaurant and that she would have to leave or secure the gun in her car.

Even after the officers explained they were police, they were still told they could not carry their weapons in the business.