Police to host public meeting as three sex offenders are released

Bruce Rumage

RACINE (WITI) -- The public is invited to a sex offender release notification meeting on Wednesday, November 26th from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Richard V. Polzin Community Policing House, located at 1900 16th St. in Racine.

The meeting is being held to notify the public that three sex offenders will be released from prison on approximately the weeks of November 25, 2013, December 16, 2013, and December 30, 2013, respectively.

Two of these offenders being released, Edward Janke and Bruce Rumage,  will be under the supervision of the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.  They will temporarily be residing in a transitional residence located in the 2100 block of Racine St. in the Village of Mt. Pleasant for approximately 60 days.

This timeframe is dependent upon securing another suitable residence.

Michael Baxter is the third offender being released. BAXTER’S supervision expires on the day of his release from prison.

Edward Janke sexually assaulted three male children known to him. He will be supervised by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections upon being released that is scheduled for the week of November 25, 2013.

Michael Baxter

Bruce Rumage sexually assaulted an adult female on two occasions. He had inappropriate sexual contact with a minor child in at least one occasion. He will be supervised by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections upon his release that is scheduled for the week of December 16, 2013.

Michael Baxter sexually assaulted minor children known to him. He has reached his maximum discharge date and will not be supervised by the WI Department of Corrections upon his release, which is scheduled for the week of December 30, 2013.

Baxter has no confirmed residence upon his release.

Janke and Rumage will have restrictions that include:  no unsupervised contact with minors, no alcohol/drugs, cannot be in taverns or liquor stores and no contact with victims.

Edward Janke

Baxter will not be on supervision up his release since he will have reached his maximum discharge date.

All three offenders will be required to wear Global Positioning System (GPS) bracelets. All three offenders are lifetime registrants of the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry Program

Citizens are encouraged to keep informed and regularly check the Wisconsin Sex Offender Registry website:  http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/public