Polish Fest is back; kicks off Friday at noon
Polish Fest is back and kicks off later today
Brian is with one of the performers that plans to add to the magic of this weekend’s event.
MILWAUKEE - This weekend you can learn, share and enjoy Polish Culture when Milwaukee hosts the biggest celebration of Polish Heritage in the United States. Brian is on the festival grounds getting a preview of this weekend’s event that kicks off at noon.
Get ready for a weekend of Polish heritage, music, food and fun
Brian is on the festival grounds getting a sneak peek at some of the entertainment for this weekend’s big event.
This weekend you can learn, share and enjoy Polish Culture when Milwaukee hosts the biggest celebration of Polish Heritage
Brian is on the festival grounds getting a preview of this weekend’s event that kicks off at Noon today.
America's Largest Polish Festival kicks off at noon today on Milwaukee’s lakefront
Brian is on the grounds with a group that’s gearing up for a weekend of Polish culture.
Festival season is officially here and this weekend that means you can dine on authentic Polish cuisine and enjoy music
Brian is with one of the chefs that’s hoping to make this weekend’s events one to remember.
Polish Fest Pageants
Get ready for a weekend of Polish heritage, music, food and fun as the largest celebration of Polish heritage and history in the United States kick off later today in the lakefront. Brian is on the festival grounds getting a sneak peek at some of the attractions at this weekend’s big event.