Politicians and activists speak at funeral for six killed at Sikh temple shooting | FOX6 Milwaukee

Politicians and activists speak at funeral for six killed at Sikh temple shooting

OAK CREEK -- Thousands turn out to honor the six people killed at the August 5th shooting at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek. That included politicians and political activists like Governor Scott Walker and Reverend Jesse Jackson.

Governor Scott Walker was the first to speak at the service just after it began. The Governor addressed the crowd assuring them that Wisconsin is with the Sikh community saying, "We mourn with you, we pray with you, we support you.''

Former Wisconsin Governor and U.S. Senate Candidate Tommy Thompson started his speech with a Sikh greeting garnering a response from the audience. During his short speech he said, "God be with you. Our prayers are with you. Our hearts are laden with sorrow, and sympathy."

Political Activist Jesse Jackson took the podium telling the crowd, "We are all Sikhs today.". He also told the crowd, "It's not the uniqueness of this crisis, but how common it has become." when describing the events of August 5th.

CLICK HERE for more Sikh Temple shooting coverage via FOX6Now.com.