Pres. Obama declares major disaster in N. Wisconsin after severe flooding, orders federal aid
ASHLAND COUNTY -- President Barack Obama on Tuesday, August 9th declared a major disaster exists in the northern part of the state of Wisconsin following severe storms and flooding on July 11th through the 12th, according to a statement from the White House.
President Obama has ordered federal aid to supplement state, tribal and local recovery efforts in the area.
According to the statement, federal funding is available to state, tribal and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the severe storms and flooding in the counties of:
Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures in all areas within the state.
FEMA said additional designations may be made at a later date if requested by the state and warranted by the results of further damage assessments.
Governor Scott Walker issued this statement on the federal disaster declaration:
“This declaration allows local governments affected by the July floods to apply for assistance, which will help communities recover some of the costs incurred through fighting the floods and repairing infrastructure such as roads and removing debris,” said Governor Walker. “We will continue to work with the communities to help them quickly recover from the flooding.”
Last week, Governor Walker formally requested a federal disaster declaration for those areas impacted. Although impacted by the event, Price County did not sustain enough damage to qualify for the federal assistance.
Multiple rounds of storms hit the area beginning July 11, bringing 8-12 inches of rain that caused widespread damage. Flash floods damaged numerous roads and bridges, washed out culverts, and devastated Saxon Harbor. Preliminary damage assessments determined the storms caused more than $25 million in damage to public infrastructure across the state.
The major disaster declaration is for Public Assistance, which covers eligible projects submitted by counties, cities, townships, and certain private, not-for-profit organizations. The program is not for businesses or homeowners as the level of damage in these areas, unfortunately, does not currently meet requirements for federal relief.
Communities in the affected counties are now eligible for federal assistance. They should contact their county emergency management director for further information. Under the program, FEMA provides 75 percent of eligible costs, while state and local agencies share the remaining 25 percent.