Protest over racial profiling begins on Marquette campus, ends at County Jail after four arrested

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Protest over racial profiling begins on Marquette campus, ends at County Jail after four arrested

Protest over racial profiling begins on Marquette campus, ends at County Jail after four arrested

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Student activists marched in Milwaukee on the Marquette University campus Monday, April 27th -- calling for an end to racial profiling, and four ended up arrested.

The protest was organized by the Coalition for Justice.

"We`re out here to demonstrate and put pressure on the university," Nicolas Saldivar said.

Some protesters sat down in the street -- locking arms near 16th and Wisconsin. Police arrested four of the demonstrators -- two men and two women. They were arrested for disorderly conduct.

"This is the reality we live in. We are willing to get arrested to prove a point to put pressure on the university because this is an issue that is dire to all of us," Saldivar said.

On Monday evening, the group marched to the Milwaukee County Jail -- protesting the arrests.

Marquette's president created a task force on equity and inclusion in November, and some of those who demonstrated Monday are on that task force. They say so far, they're not seeing the progress they'd like.

"There`s been a lot of lip service, a lot of dialogue that is taking place and not enough concrete action," Cesar Hernandez said.

A Marquette spokesman says school officials are open to more discussion.

"We have an incredibly engaged student body here. We encourage the activism on our campus. We just want to make sure it's done in a safe way," Brian Dorrington said.

Students say they want to increase diversity on campus, expand the core curriculum to include more diversity courses and change the Marquette University seal, which they say shows a biased relationship between Marquette and native people. Among their other demands, these students are calling for an end to the racial profiling they feel is happening on campus, and more diversity within the police force.

"There`s always more work that can be done, but this has been an initiative that we've prioritized throughout the entire year. We want to have an environment that is welcoming for every group on this campus," Dorrington said.


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