Protesters take to downtown streets, calling for Chief Flynn's resignation

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Protesters take to streets, calling for job of Chief Flynn

Protesters take to streets, calling for job of Chief Flynn

MILWAUKEE -- Simmering tensions between Milwaukee's African-American community and the city's police department were on full display Sunday afternoon, November 11th. Protesters took to the streets in a public display of dissatisfaction with MPD's handling of the death of 22-year-old Derek Williams. Police did make four arrests, including one of a protester who was armed.

As protesters marched down Milwaukee streets Sunday afternoon, the commotion caught the attention of Cashmere Hill, who was working a few blocks away.

"I seen the cops with the streets blocked off and just a lot of commotion going on. I came down to see what was going on myself," Hill said.

Even when he got to the closest corner, he still wasn't quite sure what he was witnessing.

"They surrounded the car saying 'whose streets? Our streets,'" Hill said.

Protesters snarled traffic at one of downtown Milwaukee's busiest intersections just before a Marquette University basketball game. 

"They stopped traffic from State, all the way to like, 10th and State," Hill said.

Sunday afternoon's protest was the latest outgrowth of the "Occupy" movement -- taking over a public space like a street when every other avenue fails.

"This is what happens when the police chief continually does not answer legitimate questions from the community. These types of disturbances will continue until the police give real answers," Josh Del Colle said.

A throng of angry protesters demanded the resignation of Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn, whose department has faced a series of high-profile, racially-tinged misconduct allegations.

Somewhere in the crowd of concern Sunday was a mother's emotion.

"The police are supposed to protect you. They didn't protect my son. They killed my son," Derek Williams' mother, Sonya Moore said.

Recently released dashcam video shows Williams' gasping for air in the backseat of an MPD squad car. Williams eventually died -- after officers ignored his cries for help. The release of this video sparked widespread community outrage.

"As long as we're standing out here fighting, they're listening. As long as we're out here fighting, they're going to listen, and we're not going anywhere," Moore said.

As for those who were upset the protesters were blocking traffic, Moore had this to say:

"If it was your kid, would you want justice? To the people who just want to get to a basketball game, they're wrong for that. Tell them to respect it, because if it were their child or someone in their family, they would want the same," Moore said.

The protesters walked for blocks as police demanded they move onto the sidewalk. 

"We're going to be in every hood, every week until we get justice," Anthony Williams said.

When MPD deployed mounted patrols, it appeared a confrontation was imminent. Instead of dispersing, the group showed defiance.

"We're locking arms for unity. We want justice for Derek Williams," Desiree Peters said.

The protesters walked up Wisconsin Avenue and past Marquette University in a driving rain -- eventually stopping and standing in a circle near 27th and Wisconsin.

"(This is) what you see when the trust is broken -- is a divide between the police and the people," Tory Lowe said.

The protesters told FOX6 News they plan to demonstrate every Sunday until Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn is fired. 

"He would want me to fight until there was no more fight," Moore said of her son.

Milwaukee police arrested four protesters, and cited three of them with disorderly conduct. The fourth protester was carrying a .22 caliber pistol, and was cited with disorderly conduct while armed.

CLICK HERE for additional coverage on the Derek Williams case via