Quad/Graphics plant in Lomira briefly evacuated Thursday after fire
LOMIRA (WITI) -- A fire that started in a box at the Quad/Graphics plant in Lomira on Thursday, November 21st was quickly contained.
The fire was reported just before 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 21st -- and was contained within 20 minutes. Officials say there was minimal damage.
Parts of the Quad/Graphics plant were evacuated as crews responded to initial reports of an explosion.
"The initial call, yeah -- your heart starts jumping when you hear 'explosion,'" Brownsville Fire Chief Kelly Thomas said.
Chief Thomas said he immediately thought of the 2002 building collapse and fire at the same Quad/Graphics plant that left one man dead.
"It makes your heart beat a little bit, but since 2002 we're more prepared. We have calls with Quad/Graphics to know where things are and how things operate, which better prepares us for things like this," Chief Thomas said.
Since the incident over a decade ago, fire crews have worked closely with Quad/Graphics to develop a plan to deal with major incidents.
"The Quad/Graphics employees themselves -- they have an emergency team. They contact us and give us the lowdown on what's going on, and from there on it's us and them working together. That works out well. We practice that," Chief Thomas said.
There were no injuries on Thursday. Authorities say the plant was up and running again within a half-hour.