"Quite surprising:" Mount Pleasant residents get 1st look at Foxconn construction plans

RACINE COUNTY -- If you live in the Racine County area, your life could soon change. Street, highway and sewer line construction plans for the massive new Foxconn plant in Mount Pleasant were released on Thursday, December 14th.

In all the plans and the controversy about what will be involved to support the $10 billion Foxconn plant to be built, one thing is certain: once Foxconn is here, the quiet Village of Mount Pleasant will never be the same.

Meeting on Foxconn plans

"It is quite surprising," said Sharon Davila, who checked out the plans. "I didn't know they were going to extend the roads as much as we're seeing here."

The public got a chance to look at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation plans, which include widening to four lanes in each direction part of I-94 North-South, and work from the Illinois state line to the Mitchell Interchange.

Foxconn's plans for shipping and job creation are impacting the area.

"The roadway system around Mount Pleasant, around the Foxconn development is going to look much different in a few years. Our goal is to reconstruct and modernize the freeway, build out and modernize, add capacity," said Brett Wallace with the DOT.

To accommodate the Foxconn plant, frontage roads will be widened and County Road KR will be reconstructed, along with other roads, as multi-lane divided urban roadways.

Traffic signals and storm sewers will also be installed.

"I've lived here all my life. We had a farm. It used to be our farm and they kept on whittling away at it," said Richard Zimmerman, who is concerned about the project. "Pretty soon it will all be gone."

Foxconn site identified in Mount Pleasant

Land being sold for Foxconn manufacturing facility

There will be more meetings around the area in the future. If you'd like to learn more about the Foxconn project, CLICK HERE.

Organization Foxconn