Racine County child sex assault, man charged

A 43-year-old man from Wind Lake is charged with repeated sexual assault of a child, among other charges.

Prosecutors accuse Carlos Rosas-Diaz of assaulting a girl in the town of Norway on multiple occasions between January 2017 and December 2021.

According to a criminal complaint, the victim – who is now 12 years old – told investigators that Rosas-Diaz had touched her inappropriately multiple times, most recently on Dec. 2. The victim also said Rosas-Diaz made her touch him inappropriately on multiple occasions.

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The victim told investigators, the complaint states, that she tried to tell Rosas-Diaz to stop, but he told her he would "break something" if she refused. She also said Rosas-Diaz would ask her to look out the window "in case anyone was coming."

The complaint states the victim reported feeling "scared" and "disgusted" during each instance of assault.

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Upon arrest, investigators say the defendant identified himself as Juan Rosas-Diaz. An FBI database fingerprint comparison revealed Rosas-Diaz was previously booked as Leon Dias-Flores and was convicted of crimes in Colorado. He had a current extraditable warrant for burglary in Colorado. Investigators reported that Rosas-Diaz's true name remains under investigation.

Rosas-Diaz is charged with four total counts related to the assaults. Cash bond was set at $50,000 after he made an initial court appearance on Dec. 7. He is due back in court on Dec. 16 for a preliminary hearing.

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