Racine ghost gun cases rising, kids involved: 'It’s dangerous'

Racine police said untraceable ghost guns are falling into the hands of the wrong people – including kids – and becoming a problem.

There have been a number of shots fired calls near Owen Avenue. Monday, patrol officers saw someone they believed was involved in one of those incidents. 

"It’s when children use them in a violent manner, obviously that’s a problem," said RPD's Craig Klepel.

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Investigators tried to stop a group of three who tried to run away. One of them was 17-year-old Steven Miller; he was arrested, and police found he had a ghost gun on him.

"It’s dangerous for us. We have kids that are being very reckless," Klepel said.

Racine Police Department

Investigators said another kid they arrested also had a ghost gun. Klepel said those types of guns have no serial number or markings – making them impossible to trace.

"You can purchase them in the mail and finish them at home with common hand tools," said Klepel.

Klepel said all anyone needs is a credit card to get one. Police said changes in the law, like age restrictions, would help stop the guns from getting to kids.

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"It’s really the criminal element that we’re seeing that’s in possession of these," Klepel said.

Racine police said ghost guns make up a large portion of firearms they take off the street, and they're popping up more and more often.

"Popularity has increased. Social media has obviously driven some of that," said Klepel.

Steven Miller

Police know there are likely other ghost guns out there, they just can't trace them yet.

In this case, Miller was arrested and charged. He is due back in court in October.

Anyone who comes across a ghost gun like is asked to contact police immediately.