Racine Unified School District works to reduce truancy rate
Racine Unified School District works to reduce truancy rates
Racine Unified School District works to reduce truancy rates
RACINE (WITI) -- The Racine Unified School District is making an effort to reduce the student truancy rate as one parent faces charges for her child missing more than five dozen days of school during the 2012-2013 year.
The District is joining forces with District Attorney Richard Chipete to make sure student attendance is on the upswing.
"We wanted to refocus our efforts to get the community aware, again, that truancy is an issue. Attendance is important," said Dan Baran with the Racine County Truancy Committee.
According to Baran, truancy rates in Racine have been climbing over the past five years.
"Any time we're dealing with young people and their futures, it's important to get them to school so that they can set themselves up for life," said Chipete.
The School District held a contest during the 2012-2013 year in which each school created an anti-truancy video. The winning school, S.C. Johnson Elementary, received a $1,000 prize.
"We really do put a big emphasis on being here -- that's why the video was so cool last year," said Principal Kim Delao.
School officials want parents to know if they have concerns about getting their kids to class, the District is willing to help.
"There's lots of options, so just let the school know," said Natosha Harris, RUSD Director of Student Support. "Everybody's here to help you and we'll work with you to get your child to school."
The School District is currently working to expand the anti-truancy video contest to other districts in the hopes of reducing student absences in all of southeastern Wisconsin.
Mom accused of allowing child to be habitually truant