Random Lake father concerned for son stationed at Ft. Hood

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Fort Hood shooting hits hard in community of Random Lake

Fort Hood shooting hits hard in community of Random Lake

RANDOM LAKE (WITI) -- The Wisconsin National Guard says they have over 30 members from Wisconsin at Fort Hood who are all safe and accounted for after a shooting late Wednesday afternoon, April 3rd.

The incident hits very close to home for the Village of Random Lake. It was four-and-a-half years ago when Amber Bahr was wounded at the same base. Now, another family there is concerned.

With the memory of Bahr's injury still fresh in the minds of many community members, one Random Lake man was most worried about his son.

"It's like opening up a dam and the flood waters are coming out and we're just all now kind of catching up to it," said Shawn Stevens. "What do we need to do as a community, as a nation, to make things better?"

Stevens says this time, it's personal. His son is in the Army and currently stationed at Fort Hood. While the shooter was still active, Stevens tried contacting his child.

"I have not been able to talk to him, but I did text him and he's in his room. They're locked down but currently, as far as we know, he's safe," said Stevens.

Even as the incident was unfolding, Stevens and many others in Random Lake thought back to Amber Bahr, another soldier who was injured during another Fort Hood shooting in November 2009.

"In this community we're been through this once before when Amber was in Fort Hood and went through that very catastrophic experience. We kind of came together as a community," Stevens said. "We're a small town and there's a lot of friendships and a lot of closeness here, which is great about this town."

Stevens says he's looking forward to being reunited with his son, especially after learning of the shooting.

"I'm going to give him a huge hug and maybe a kiss on the cheek. I can't wait to see him," said Stevens.

Stevens says he's grateful to know his son and other members of the Wisconsin National Guard are okay.

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Reflections of 2009 Ft. Hood shooting

Reflections of 2009 Ft. Hood shooting

For Amber Bahr's mother, Wednesday's shooting stirs up a flurry of emotions.

"I was vomiting, I was shaking, I was a wreck," said Lisa Pfund. I didn't know I would do that this many years later."

Pfund says hearing the news was like reliving November 5th, 2009 all over again -- the day her daughter was shot, but survived. Pfund says the news hit Bahr hard, as well.

"Nobody can heal because we're constantly reminded of it, and it happened again," said Pfund. "The poor families now, wondering and worrying. I know exactly what they're going through. It's not fun. It's hell."

Pfund says although families will have to move forward, it's something that will take time and always be in the back of their minds.