'Ready to go:' College families head to the east side as UWM freshmen move into the dorms | FOX6 Milwaukee

'Ready to go:' College families head to the east side as UWM freshmen move into the dorms

MILWAUKEE -- The summer was officially over for students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Tuesday, Aug. 27, as the move-in process began.

UWM move in

FOX6 News found there is a science to packing for college.

"We packed those boxes about six times -- stacking boxes," said Madeline Bartoli, a first-year student.

Bartoli said the most stressful part about moving in was making sure she didn't forget anything -- but her dad wasn't worried.

"She's very, very organized, which is why she came here for architecture," said Daniel Bartoli. "I mean, she sat there and organized it and had it in crates and was ready to go."

UWM move in

Madeline Bartoli

UW-Milwaukee had a system, too. Every year, move-in is tweaked to help streamline the process.

"Myself and my team basically look at this as a strategic puzzle, to put it all together," said Arcetta Knautz, director of University Housing. "Families don't come back until October. We believe six weeks is what students need to be successful, so we want to give them that six weeks to transition."

David Bartoli

The Bartolis said they were looking forward to the start of the school year.

"I'm excited. I'm excited for her," said David Bartoli. "This is a great city."

UWM move in

"I'm nervous. I'm excited," said Madeline Bartoli. "I'm pumped, really."

The first day of classes is Tuesday, Sept. 3.