Recall petitions delivered targeting four state senators | FOX6 Milwaukee

Recall petitions delivered targeting four state senators

MADISON/RACINE -- Tuesday was a big day at the Government Accountability Board headquarters in Madison, as one million signatures to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker were officially dropped off. Additionally, signatures were dropped off targeting four Republican state senators for recall. Tuesday evening, recall organizers celebrated at a victory event at the Monona Terrace in Madison, just blocks from the state Capitol.

If the names are verified and enough legitimate signatures were collected, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, Senator Pam Galloway of Wausau, Senator Terry Moulton of Chippewa Falls, and Senator Van Wanggaard of Racine.

Recall organizers announced Tuesday they collected the following number of signatures: 21,000 for Moulton, 21,000 for Galloway, 24,000 for Wanggaard, and 20,600 for Fitzgerald.

Democrats say the four senators started this fight one year ago, with union-busting legislation. Republicans have only a one-vote advantage in the Wisconsin State Senate after the last round of recalls during the summer. The GOP senators say they're ready to run on their record, to maintain their advantage.

Republican State Senator Van Wanggaard is the target of a recall drive in his Racine district. The district is traditionally a 50-50 battleground. But Sen. Wanggaard's vote on the budget repair bill made him a target. So do Racine voters want their state senator to say or go?

Sen. Van Wanggaard is only one year into a four-year term. "I've worked to be bipartisan and work on issues that are going to serve both sides of the aisle because I think that's our job," said Wanggaard.

As with other potential recall elections around the state, voters in Racine are divided when it comes to whether they'd like to see their state senator stay or go.

A table inside Racine's "The Soup" restaurant was full of friends with very different political opinions Tuesday - but politics was a hot topic as recall petitions were delivered to the Government Accountability Board in Madison.

These Racine voters seemed to have strong opinions when it comes to the recall effort against Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, but like many FOX6 spoke with in Racine, they weren't as passionate either way regarding the recall effort against Wanggaard. "I'm not as familiar with what he has done in the state," one voter said.

Wanggaard was elected to the Wisconsin State Senate in 2010. Prior to that, he served on the Racine County Board. He's not as familiar with voters as some other state senators, but he did vote in support of Governor Walker's collective bargaining bill, and other controversial changes like concealed carry and voter ID. Some Racine voters say that is reason enough to get them to sign a recall petition against Wanggaard. But for others, it's the reason they think Wanggaard should stay put. "I don't think he should be recalled any more than I think Walker should be recalled," one voter said.

Van Wanggaard issued a statement Tuesday, and that statement is attached to this story, under "Related Content."

The GAB says the signatures targeting these senators are expected to be counted and verified before the governor and lieutenant governor signatures are done.

The GAB says it would like to have elections on the same day to save taxpayer money, while Democrats are pushing for elections in each race as they're approved. A judge will make the ultimate decision as to when the potential recall elections are held.