Renowned intuitionist and a best-selling author Laura Day joins Studio A

MILWAUKEE -- She's a renowned intuitionist and a best-selling author. Laura Day joined the Studio A team on Friday, September 25th for a chat.

About Laura Day (from her website):

Bestselling author Laura Day has spent three decades helping individuals, organizations, and companies use their innate intuitive abilities to create profound changes in their lives.

Her work has helped demystify intuition and demonstrate its practical, verifiable uses in the fields of business, science, medicine and personal growth.

She has trained thousands of people to use their brains and perceptions in effective ways including scientists, celebrities, business executives, and other professionals to realize their goals while creating supportive and inspiring communities.

Laura has been featured in many publications including Newsweek, New York Magazine, The Independent, Bottom Line, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and People magazines.