Rep. Andy Jorgensen won't seek re-election, instead running for Rock Co. Register of Deeds


MADISON — State Rep. Andy Jorgensen says he won't seek re-election this fall.

The Milton Democrat released a statement Wednesday, March 16th saying he plans to run for Rock County register of deeds. That position is open after longtime incumbent Randy Leyes decided to retire.

Jorgensen was first elected to the Assembly in 2006. This past session he served on a half-dozen committees, including panels dealing with agriculture, public benefit reform and colleges.

Jorgensen issued the following statement:

State Representative Andy Jorgensen (D-Milton) today announced he will make a run to serve as Rock County Register of Deeds, an open seat created by the retirement of longtime Register of Deeds, Randy Leyes.

"I've always enjoyed talking directly with my neighbors about the issues that matter to them, which is probably why I've held more than 500 listening sessions in the district, as a state representative," said Jorgensen.  "Serving at the county level will give me a chance, every day, to help people one-on-one, while being a bit closer to home."

Jorgensen has deep roots in Rock County, having worked at the Janesville General Motors plant from 1995 to 2008, and having served as a shop steward for UAW Local 95 before running for a State Assembly seat.  He has served for nearly a decade in the State Assembly, leading the charge to save SeniorCare twice, and fighting for working families and local control.

"It has been a truly great honor to serve as the people's voice in our Capitol, and I certainly won't rule out a run for state office in the future, as I have a heart for the work," said Jorgensen.  "But, while my wife and I still have a couple of precious years left with kids under our roof, I want to spend more time with my family."

Jorgensen vows to work, as Register of Deeds, to bring Rock County into the digital era, cutting through the red tape of records.  "My goal has always been to make life a little easier for my neighbors, and I'm ready and able to do just that in Rock County," said Jorgensen.

Jorgensen has received endorsements from many local leaders and organizations, including: State Senator Janis Ringhand, State Representative Deb Kolste, State Representative Mark Spreitzer, Former State Senator Judy Robson, Rock County District Attorney David O’Leary, Rock County Sheriff Robert Spoden, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi, Beloit City Clerk Lori Stottler, the Rock County Labor Coalition, Southern Wisconsin Building & Construction Trades Council, and UAW Local 95.