Republicans believe Obama's immigration plans are "at best, temporary"

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Republicans believe Obama`s immigration plans are “at best, temporary”

Republicans believe Obama`s immigration plans are "at best, temporary"

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Local religious and community organizations are praising President Obama's executive order on immigration. But republicans, and the state's Chamber of Commerce -- say this will only make it harder to have full immigration reform.

For the various groups gathered Friday, November 21st, at City Hall, they say it's clear to them -- President Obama's executive order improves our immigration policy.

"We would've preferred for the Congress to pas some legislation to finally address this bill but after ten years, we thought it was the time something finally be done so we want to applaud President Barack Obama for his executive action he's taking here," said Darryl Morin, League of United Latin American Citizens.

"LULAC" estimates the president's order will impact about 24,000 immigrants in Wisconsin. The state's Chamber of Commerce, Wisconsin manufacturers and commerce, supports comprehensive immigration reform but believes the president's actions will hurt immigrant workers in the long run.

"It's unfortunate he's chosen to bypass Congress because number one, that's not how democracy works but number two, it involves very limited solutions and what he's proposing is, at best, temporary," said Scott Manley, with Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce.

In an interview after the president's speech, Senator Ron Johnson said Obama's actions hurt the chances of Congress eventually reaching a compromise with The White House.

"It just makes it that much more difficult to find that common ground, to find that agreement to solve the problem," said Johnson.

Even the groups celebrating the executive order say there cannot be true reform without Congress.

"This is a temporary situation, limited in scope, so we really need Congress to get back to work and pass legislation that will provide for our security, our economy, and uphold our commitment to humanity," said Morin.

Last year, the Senate did pass a comprehensive immigration bill. The house never voted on it.

In a statement, Congressman Paul Ryan says house leaders have asked the president for more time to craft a bill of its own.

The president says the house already had a year and a half and did nothing.