Richfield Historical Society; Maple Syrup Family Day is back Saturday

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Richfield Historical Society

Brian Kramp is in Richfield seeing what’s on tap for their annual Maple Syrup Family Day.

If you like learning about our state's history, Richfield Historical Society is the perfect place to spend a day. Brian Kramp is checking out a few of the sights in their park.

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Maple Syrup Family Day is back

Brian Kramp is sampling a few treats that will sweeten your Saturday morning.

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Learn about our state's history

Brian Kramp is checking out a few of the sights in their park.

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Several buildings dating back to mid to late 1800's

Brian Kramp is getting a tour of one of Richfield's most historical buildings.

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Do you know how maple syrup is made?

Brian Kramp is at Richfield Historical Society where they’re cooking up plenty of fresh maple syrup.

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Preserving and sharing history

Brian Kramp has details on some of the events that are taking place this weekend and in the upcoming months.

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