Ride-share bill: Lawmakers introduce legislation that would impose regulations on Uber, Lyft

MADISON (AP) — Wisconsin lawmakers have introduced a bill that would impose statewide regulations on online ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft.

The measure would require companies to apply for a $5,000 state license and carry $1 million in commercial insurance for each driver. Drivers would have to submit findings form a criminal background check to their companies.

The measure also would prohibit local governments from adopting any regulations on such companies.

The bill's chief author is Rep. Tyler August, a Lake Geneva Republican. He says the bill would solve a patchwork of local ordinances.

An Uber spokeswoman has issued the following statement to FOX6 News:

“We applaud Representative August, Representative Mason, Senator Farrow and Senator Lassa for leading the way for innovation in Wisconsin. They have presented a progressive regulatory approach for ridesharing in Wisconsin that's also being embraced across the nation.

"This legislation creates significant earning opportunities for Wisconsin drivers. By recognizing the need for common-sense regulations for ridesharing, these legislators have not only made riders safer but also positioned Wisconsin for more economic growth.

"Uber supports this bipartisan legislation and we look forward to the legislature's swift consideration."