School officials in Wisconsin react to Connecticut shooting

MILWAUKEE -- School officials in Wisconsin are sharing their thoughts and prayers with the victims of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT.

State Superintendent Tony Evers writes in a statement: “My heart and prayers go out to victims of this tragic shooting and their families. Also in my heart and prayers are all the students, parents, and staff at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. For them and for the whole community of Newtown, I offer our support as they cope with the aftermath of this senseless act of violence. Their lives and their community have been changed forever. These will be difficult times for parents and school children everywhere, including in Wisconsin. We must support and care for our children as they hear about this tragedy and try to understand that which is incomprehensible and senseless.”

MPS Board President Michael Bonds, on behalf of the Board of School Directors, and Superintendent Gregory E. Thornton issued the following statement: “We would like to express our condolences to the families affected by the tragic loss of life in Newtown, Conn. today.  Today’s tragedy is made more horrific by the fact it took place in a school and the victims were children,” said President Bonds.

“Milwaukee is more than 1,000 miles away from Newtown, CT., but today we are all drawn closer by our grief and concern,” said Dr. Thornton.  “We encourage caring adults to be there for our children who might have questions about this terrible incident and to help them through this difficult time.”

Greendale School Dist. Superintendent John Tharp said: "Our hearts go out to this school community and the families of those who lost their lives, were injured, or otherwise affected by this tragedy. In the Greendale Schools, safety is our top priority.  Each school has an updated Crisis Management Plan that addresses a variety of safety scenarios.  We also conduct regular drills and  proactively work with our Village, police, fire and other officials to plan for emergency situations should they arise.  We are committed to protecting the security of our school buildings and, most importantly, the safety of all students and staff."

CLICK HERE to read more about the Newtown, CT mass shooting on