Office of School Safety Sheboygan critical incident training

The Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of School Safety staff took part in critical incident response training in Sheboygan Wednesday, Aug. 16 amid the back-to-school season, preparing for all scenarios, even those no one likes to think about.

School leaders learned how to get children back in the classroom after something traumatic happens, like a school shooting.

The training took school crisis plans a step further.

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"We know that sometimes, crisis events will occur," said Trish Kilpin, director of the Office of School Safety. "When they do, we want to provide the effective and efficient resources to get kids back to learning more quickly and increase the confidence of staff and community providers to give kids and school staff what they need and to make sure that our kids get back to learning as quickly as possible while reducing their trauma symptoms."

Officials with Wisconsin's Office of School Safety said they're the first in the country to create critical response teams.