"Seconds can be the difference:" Milwaukee Fire Dept. kicks off Fire Prevention Week

MILWAUKEE -- The Milwaukee Fire Department is driving home an important lesson to people of all ages this week. It's Fire Prevention Week -- and you should have a plan of action in the event of fire in your home.

Second graders from Hartford University School were greeted by Ronald McDonald during a special ceremony on Monday morning, October 9th.

"We know once a fire hits, once it starts, every second becomes very, very important," Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett told the students.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett

Barrett, along with Milwaukee Fire Chief Mark Rohlfing and other officials, echoed one another with a lesson about safety.

Milwaukee Fire Chief Mark Rohlfing

"Those seconds can be the difference from your family escaping or that fire ending in tragedy for your family," Rohlfing said.

Fire Chief Rohlfing said every family should have a plan -- giving kids a bit of homework.

"After school make sure you practice your escape plan, alright?" Rohlfing said.


After the ceremony, students went inside to learn more about fire safety from Lt. Julian Gladney, Milwaukee fire cadets and Rocket the fire safety dog. It's a lesson leaders hope they bring home, share and help save lives.

Another message from the Milwaukee Fire Department -- make sure you have a working smoke alarm. If you live in the City of Milwaukee and don't have a smoke alarm, arrangements can be made for Milwaukee firefighters to come to your residence and install a smoke alarm free of charge. Call the smoke alarm hotline for assistance.


Organization Milwaukee Fire-departmentPeople Tom Barrett