'Secure delivery option:' New ballot drop-off box installed at Pleasant Prairie Village Hall

PLEASANT PRAIRIE -- Pleasant Prairie voters who prefer to deliver absentee ballots in person may place them in the new ballot drop-off box, located on the north side of Village Hall. The new drop off location was added Wednesday, July 15.

It gives residents the option to hand deliver their absentee ballot from their vehicle. Voters may still mail in a completed absentee ballot or submit them directly to the Village Clerk's Office during regular business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

"The new ballot drop box provides residents with a secure delivery option that limits exposure," said Jane Snell, Village Clerk. "One significant advantage to dropping off an absentee ballot in-person is that it eliminates the possibility of a ballot arriving late and not being counted. The ballot drop location will only be open and available during elections. It will be closed and locked at the close of polls on Election Day at 8:00 p.m."

To vote absentee, a resident must first be registered and request an absentee ballot by mail. Voters can apply with a copy of photo ID (a selfie does not qualify as a photo ID) to receive an absentee ballot in the mail.

Ballot requests can also be made at myvote.wi.gov, or residents can download and print an application form at pleasantprairiewi.gov/vote under the absentee voting tab.

Residents who print a form should complete, attach a copy of their photo ID, and place the application in the ballot drop box at Village Hall or return by mail to the Village Clerk's office, 9915 39th Avenue.

2020 ElectionPolitics