Senator Ron Johnson talks immigration after protester interrupts President Obama in Milwaukee

WAUKESHA (WITI) -- There is less than one week until the midterm elections, and on Wednesday, October 29th, Republican Senator Ron Johnson rallied supporters in Waukesha and encouraged them to vote early.

Senator Johnson also took some time to address other issues facing Congress, like immigration.

It's an issue a protester called out President Obama on when he was in Milwaukee stumping for Mary Burke on Tuesday evening.

"The young lady is expressing her concerns about immigration and the fact that we don't have a comprehensive immigration law. The problem is she should be protesting the Republicans who are blocking it in Congress," President Obama said in Milwaukee.

"We really can't tolerate illegal immigration, so the first step is securing the border. I think President Obama would be making a big mistake if he just takes unilateral executive action and grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants," Senator Johnson said.

Johnson added securing the borders is especially important considering the Islamic state.

People Barack ObamaPeople Ron Johnson