Sentenced: 40-year-old woman accused of pouring hot grits on woman, child as they slept

MILWAUKEE COUNTY (WITI) -- She pleaded guilty to two felony charges, and on Thursday, April 23rd, a Milwaukee woman accused of pouring hot grits on another woman and a child as they slept was sentenced.

40-year-old Leah Corney pleaded guilty to second degree reckless injury and child abuse - recklessly causing great harm.

Corney was sentenced to serve four years in prison and five years extended supervision on each charge. Those sentences are to be served concurrently -- so Corney will serve a total of four years in prison and five years extended supervision -- with credit for 170 days served.

As conditions of her extended supervision, Corney must undergo supervision by the mental health unit, she must commit no further crimes, she must take a court in anger management, undergo a mental health evaluation and take all prescribed medications, maintain absolute sobriety, have no contact with the victims in this case, obtain/maintain employment and pay court costs.

The court has advised Corney be incarcerated at the Wisconsin Women's Resource Center.

FOX6 News spoke with one of the witnesses listed in court records, who said the victim and her two children (one six months old) had been staying at her apartment near 15th and Greenfield.

On October 3rd, 2014, the witness says she ran into Corney. The women were all hanging out -- but eventually, Corney and the victim began arguing.

A criminal complaint filed against Corney says "the argument became physical, and police were called."

After police left, the witness says she believed everything was cool.

The victim and her children went to sleep in one room, and Corney, who wound up spending the night, went to bed in another room.

Around 1:00 a.m., the complaint says the victim "felt an extreme burning sensation" and realized both she and her son were covered in hot grits. She then saw Corney flee the residence.

A doctor at Children's Hospital says the six-month-old child had burns on 40 percent of his body. She says those burns "will require long-term treatment, and will be life-altering." The burns will also likely be permanently disfiguring.

Records show Corney was convicted of child neglect in 2004. She was sentenced to six months in jail.

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