Sherman Park Grocery opened 1 year ago
Brian Kramp is with the owner seeing how their mission remains strong within their community.
Bringing fresh fruits and vegetables to an area that was absent of them, that was the goal behind Sherman Park Grocery when it opened one year ago. Next week the store is celebrating their 1st anniversary and Brian Kramp is with the owner seeing how their mission remains strong within their community.
Inside Sherman Park Grocery
Brian Kramp is with the owner of Buddah Luv, Milwaukee’s very own vegan soul food & catering company
Mo’s Sweetside inside Sherman Park Grocery
Brian Kramp is checking out some of the sweets this local baker sells at Sherman Park Grocery.
Sherman Park Grocery is a neighborhood owned, managed
Brian Kramp is prepping for the store’s anniversary with some small dessert bites that not only look good, but taste good too.
Sherman Park grocery celebrating 1st anniversary
Brian Kramp is with one of the local entrepreneurs represented at the store that uses baking as a way to display her imagination where passion meets creativity bundled in taste.
Pound 4 Pound
Brian Kramp has a preview of the store’s first anniversary with some tasty baked goods.