Shot in the head, he was given a 10% chance he'd survive: 'I beat all the odds'

MILWAUKEE -- He was shot in the head on the day after Thanksgiving, and given a small chance of survival. After months in the hospital, he's back home and sharing his story.
The victim, 24, asked that he be referred to by his nickname, "Greedy." He was in a coma for weeks, and his family said they never gave up hope that he'd be OK.
"I've been practicing. Just taking my time on my steps," Greedy said Wednesday, Jan. 31.
Taking it one day at a time has been his motto on his road to recovery.
"My walking, my walking got better," Greedy said.

35th and Capitol

35th and Capitol
He was shot in the head in late November while in his car with a friend at a stoplight near 35th and Capitol. A car pulled up and the driver opened fire.
"The last thing I saw was that person's face and then I went into a coma," Greedy said.

He woke up weeks later, determined to get better.
"The bullet entered back in here and it exited out over here," Greedy said.
The tattoo artist now struggles to move his hands and it can be difficult getting around, but he said he's thankful for a second chance at life.
"My whole right side is damaged. They said I only had a 10% chance to live and if I live, I was going to be a vegetable and I beat all of the odds," Greedy said.
His brothers said they never gave up hope.

"We just pray. We kept faith. As you can see, God is good. He is here with us today," Marquis Shipp said.

Greedy said he hopes his story inspires others, and he wants to let people know violence isn't a solution.
"If you're going through what I'm going through, keep your head up. There's so much gun violence out here, certain stuff makes people change. This made me change. Not too many people get this second chance," Greedy said.
Police said a 21-year-old has been arrested in this case, but charges haven't yet been filed. The investigation is ongoing.