“Skids most often occur while braking:" AAA issues safety reminders ahead of snowfall

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“Skids most often occur while braking:” AAA issues safety reminders ahead of snowfall

"Skids most often occur while braking:" AAA issues safety reminders ahead of snowfall

MADISON -- As much of Wisconsin prepares for a return to winter weather, AAA is issuing a reminder to motorists that snow and ice can create dangerous driving conditions that demand extra caution and modified driving behaviors.

According to a recent AAA Consumer Pulse Survey, 82% of motorists in Wisconsin report being concerned about losing control of their vehicle in poor weather conditions.

“Skids most often occur while braking or turning, so the best way to avoid them is to reduce your speed and increase your following distance,” said Nick Jarmusz, director of public affairs for AAA Wisconsin.  “You should also avoid using cruise control in wet conditions, and remember that having four or all-wheel drive does not assist in braking.”

If you do find yourself losing traction, AAA advises you to follow these steps:

    In addition to slowing down and increasing distance, AAA also offers the following tips for motorists to stay safe during winter weather:

      Additional winter weather driving tips are available in AAA’s How to Go on Ice and Snow booklet, which can be downloaded at: http://exchange.aaa.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/How-To-Go-On-Ice-and-Snow.pdf.