Snow in New Berlin perfect for kids, not so much for drivers
NEW BERLIN (WITI) -- FOX6's Ben Handleman was stationed in New Berlin as the snow fell on Thursday, February 7th.
The snow in New Berlin was the thick, heavy snow -- perfect for the kids, but not so perfect for drivers.
The Waukesha County Sheriff's Office reported to FOX6 News 29 accidents -- 10 of them with minor injuries. The Sheriff's Office reported 17 cars in the ditch, and said as rush hour approached, Sheriff's officials said calls were picking up!
FOX6 News observed cars going fast on Moorland Road, and drivers having a tough time stopping.
As rush hour approached, officials said plows were having difficulty keeping up.
"I tried turning and it wouldn't let me turn. I just kept going straight and I made it," Troy Meyer said.
Drivers should be sure to keep enough space between themselves and other vehicles, due to slippery roadways and drivers having a tough time stopping.