Snow removal operation in effect in Milwaukee: Park on the street? You may need to move your car

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Snow removal operation in effect in Milwaukee: Park on the street? You may need to move your car

Snow removal operation in effect in Milwaukee: Park on the street? You may need to move your car

MILWAUKEE -- The City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works has indicated it has nearly 300 pieces of equipment on main and side streets Monday night, March 13th to clear the snow from our latest storm. Crews hit the road around 9:00 p.m. Sunday.

The DPW snow removal operation is in effect for 48-hour exception streets. Vehicles should be parked on the ODD side of the street Monday night, March 13th - beginning at 11:00 p.m. until 6:00 a.m. The operation will be in effect for Tuesday, March 14th as well (park on the even side of the street).

In addition, the 4-inch rule will be effect beginning at 7:00 p.m. Monday night, March 13th, and will remain in effect until further notice.

DPW officials ask that drivers follow the signs when it comes to parking.

Because garbage trucks are being used for this plowing operation, most garbage and recycling collection work was suspended for Monday, March 13th.

Officials also offered this message to all city residents. Residents SHOULD NOT shovel, snow blow, or plow snow back into the streets.

CLICK HERE to access the City of Milwaukee's Winter Parking Regulations.

Katie Liban lives on Milwaukee's east side and said on a good day, parking is hard to come by near her apartment building.

"If I get here a little past 9, I don't even wanna bother with it. Sometimes I've even stayed at my parents' because I don't wanna walk at night by myself so far from my apartment," Liban said.

"Luckily, I got home early enough today so I got a pretty decent spot, but I've definitely had to park three to four blocks away before," Jesse Frewerd said.

Officials at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee canceled all classes beginning at or after 4:00 p.m. Monday due to the winter storm. FOX6 News found a student on campus wearing SHORTS!

"I always wear shorts. Every winter -- since fifth grade," Simun Thiele said.

Simun Thiele

We should note -- violating the snow parking rules won't get you towed unless you're blocking a main route, or you're blocking a plow truck from getting through.